Online Classes


360° Teaching of the Arts

From Classical to Pop and from Musical Theatre to Film music

Christine Grimandi

Quando il “lockdown” è entrato nelle nostre vite, per tanti artisti rimasti soli è iniziato un “malessere”. Ci siamo sentiti abbandonati, defraudati. Ci siamo ritrovati uniti, sbigottiti e sperduti, quasi perduti. La realtà stava frantumando i piccoli ei grandi sogni, facendo cadere una dopo l’altra le nostre deboli certezze. Concerti cancellati, teatri chiusi, contratti che, uno dopo l’altro, erano cancellati o sospesi… Il “lockdown” ha oppresso la nostra mente, poi ha toccato il cuore e quando ha raggiunto “lei”, la nostra anima, “lei” ha sussultato in uno spazio incenerito, ormai vuoto… Dopo l’ennesima notte insonne, ho reagito. L’incontro con Giordano Tittarelli è stato fondamentale, le nostre idee si sono unite in quel sogno fino ad ora mai realizzato. Era già un embrione nella mente di Giordano, la mia idea di un’Accademia Online era un’esigenza di cambiamento, di superamento, perché non bisogna arrendersi, perché la musica non finirà mai, perché condividere l’esperienza è di per sé la rinascita di ogni nuova idea e di ogni società… L’obbiettivo dell’Accademia Online GLOBAL ARTS è dare supporto e continuità ai musicisti, ai compositori ea tutti gli artisti che creano, scrivono, studiano e lavorano nella musica, nell’arte, nel teatro e nel cinema.Per la direzione e supervisione artistica musicale, onoratissima che abbia accettato, avrò il piacere di avere al mio fianco un amico e un collega di vecchia data, il grande Maestro Simon Lee, direttore d’orchestra, compositore, arrangiatore, orchestratore, pianista, supervisore musicale e da oltre vent’anni, braccio destro e collaboratore di Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Christine Grimandi
Direttore e Coordinatore del dipartimento di musica e recitazione GLOBAL ARTS Academy

Contatta Global Arts:

Simon Lee

My career has taken me across many genres stretching from pop/rock (artists like Bjork and Primal Scream) to classical (Carreras, Sarah Chang), but at its centre has always been Musical Theatre. And in that field, I am probably best known for having been Andrew LLoyd Webber’s music supervisor for over 20 years. At the beginning of my career, I worked all over Europe as Musical Director on various shows, which included the German productions of Cats and Starlight Express – indeed it was on this production of Cats that I met Christine in 1991! At this time I was in my twenties, still a very young age for a conductor, and, with the benefit of hindsight, these jobs were a brilliant training ground where I could make mistakes, learn and return to London a great deal more fully fledged. Once returned to London, things moved very quickly, and, in 1996 I was Musical Director of the first West End revival of Jesus Christ Superstar. It was at this time that I got to know Andrew well, and within a few months had become his Music Supervisor, my first project in that capacity being the 1997 film of Cats.

I probably started training young conductors and musical directors out of frustration! In my role as a music supervisor, I have for some time found it extremely difficult to source conductors/MDs with the training, ability and experience I require to work under me – and this is in London!

And so I decided that, if my needs and expectations were higher, then it was up to me to do something. So I started to work with a couple of young musicians in whom I saw a spark of something. Very quickly, others approached me to work with them too, and so it became ‘a thing’. All of those I have, thus far, trained were already (and still are!) working professionally. However, I do not in any way make that a requirement.

There is another, very important to me, reason I do this, and that is to GIVE BACK.
Music, of all the arts, cannot be learned from books and apps alone – not even partly. It is learned through your dedication, drive and hard work… and mentor ship. And I believe it is a RESPONSIBILITY for those who have enjoyed success and fulfilment in music to pass on what they have learned to worthy recipients. And finally, the reason we were led to music in the first place was JOY. Unfortunately, our industry has a way of sucking that out of us. It is my personal mission to ensure that we never lose it. Thanks to the vision and to the tireless efforts of my great friend Christine Grimandi, and in no small part accelerated by a global pandemic, we now have a platform populated by some of the top professionals in all disciplines of Music, Theatre and Film who will teach in every form, from big lectures and masterclasses to one on one lessons. For this unique platform, I have been charged with recruiting, and am delighted and proud to be bringing you some of the finest musicians I have worked with over the years – each a leader in their field. This is therefore a unique opportunity for students and young professionals to learn from the very best in our business, not only for the situation the world finds itself in today, but for the future. Dip into any one of their biographies and you’ll see how and why! It may also be useful for you to know that we, as a platform, are affiliated with and ratified by the LPEB (London Performers Education Board).

M ° Simon Lee
Director Music Supervisor GLOBAL ARTS Academy

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